Wholesale Copper Mugs

Vintage Metalcrafts sources directly from one of the biggest manufacturer of copper items from Moradabad, the copper city of India. It has a long tradition of hand crafting metal products which runs in the family for centuries. Metal Craft has a long history in india, it dates back to almost 2500 years. The artisans engaged in hand made metal craft runs ine the family where one generation passes the knowledge to its next generation. This is why hand made metal items from Moradabad are very popular across the world specially in USA.

We are sourcing directly from one of the largest Factory in USA. The QA is done by our QA supervisors placed in factory to keep a watch on the production process and quality of copper metal used. We make sure that the factory used pure 16 gauge copper sheets. Many importers are buying copper items that are made from recycled copper with lots of impurities wchich can be a health hazzard for you.

Wholesale Copper BathTubs, Farmhouse Kitchen Sinks, Copper Bar,Bath and Pedestal Sinks !


We offer wholesale Copper Bathtubs, Copper Farmhouse Sinks, Copper Bar and Bath sinks, Copper Pedestal sinks and other copper accessories such as copper mule mugs in USA at a very discounted prices. Since we source directly from facotries, our prices are unmatched to anyone selling copper items which is hannd made from pure 16 Gauge Copper. If you buy wholesale from us then you will need register with us a wholesale customer with valid business identity.

We can send the copper bath tubs directly from our warehouse located in Portsmouth Virinia. 

Contact us for wholesale registration.
